We aim to
provide holistic quality health care for you, your family and
the community.
Our doctors aim
to practise according to the Hippocratic Oath:
solemnly promise to practise the art of Medicine with due care
and with conduct becoming a physician. In the exercise of my
profession I will ever have in mind the care of the sick and
the well-being of the healthy. In furtherance of these ends I
will use all my knowledge and will strive to perfect our
judgement. I will, furthermore, keep silence on any matters I
may witness or hear in the course of my professional work
which it would be improper for me to divulge” – A
Declaration of Professional Dedication, University of Western
here for more detail<----
Practice Our
small family owned practice has opened since April 2006. We
have a nurse assisting our doctors every day to reduce patient
waiting time and doctors stress level.
are very proud to have passed rigorous examinations of our
practice and achieved FULL accreditation status by the
General Practices Accreditation Limited (AGPAL).
Not all practices are accredited as it is NOT compulsory. The
standard criteria which we must meet for full accreditation
are set by the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (FRACGP). This process is repeated every three
yearly according to the most updated standards.
Our doctors are
local graduates of the University of Western Australia.
Bedford Family
Practice aims to provide continuity of care and high quality
family medical services to the Bedford and surrounding
community by constantly revising our method to achieve the
best outcome for our patients without compromising quality.
Wah Wah Lin MBBS, FRACGP Graduated
from the University of Medicine (1), Yangon, Myanmar and has
become a fellow of the RACGP in 2021.
She has hospital
experience in both Victoria and Western Australia in Emergency
Medicine, General Surgery, General Medicine, Cardiology,
Plastic surgery, Vascular Surgery, Cardio thoracic Surgery,
and Intensive care as a resident medical officer and
has special interest in skin cancer management and minor
procedures, preventive health and chronic disease management,
women’s health, weight management and mental health.
from the University of WA with Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery – M.B.B.S (UWA), 1999. And is a
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners– F.R.A.C.G.P. He has a post-graduate
Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from UWA.
He has hospital
experience at Royal Perth in Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics,
Urology, General Surgery, Intensive Care, Orthopaedic,
Palliative Care, Paediatrics (Perth Children Hospital &
Sick Kids in Edinburgh) and Obstetrics/Gynaecology at KEMH &
JHC. He is interested in all aspects of Family Medicine but
has special interests in Accident & Emergency, Child &
Adolescent Health, Preventive Medicine, Palliative Care,
Dermatology, Minor Surgery, Sports Medicine and Men's Health &
Travel Medicine.
He is also
fluent in Vietnamese.
from the University of WA with Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery – M.B.B.S (UWA), 1997. And is a
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners– F.R.A.C.G.P.
He has hospital
experience at Royal Perth in Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics,
General Surgery, Intensive Care, Orthopaedic, Paediatrics
(Princess Margaret), Rehabilitation, Rheumatology and
He has special
interests in Accident & Emergency, Child & Adolescent
Health, Preventive Medicine, Skin Cancer Management &
Minor Procedures, Chronic Disease Management (especially
Diabetes), Mental Health & Counselling, and Weight
He is also
fluent in Vietnamese.
Staff Practice
Manager Mimi
Nurse Anjanette Cindy Judy
Receptionist Kaye Tho'
& Confidentiality In
the interests of providing quality health care this practice
has developed a privacy policy that complies with the privacy
legislation and the National Privacy Principals (NPPs). Please
ask our staff if you wish to see a copy of our privacy policy.
To assist us in maintaining accurate records please notify
staff of any changes to your details as soon as possible. If
any information we hold is thought to be incorrect please draw
our attention to the error and we will amend accordingly. Your
medical record is a confidential document – it is
practice policy to maintain security of personal health
information at all times and to ensure that this is available
only to authorized members of staff.
here for more detail<----
Policy Emergency
During Opening Hours For
assistance during normal opening hours, please phone the
practice, or if urgent dial 000
an ambulance (e.g. chest pain). If you present directly to the
surgery please alert the staff to the urgency/emergency.
be aware a doctor may not be present at all times.
standard consultation averages 10-15minutes
Whilst our staff
will endeavour to accommodate your preferred time and
requested doctor, this may not always be possible and
alternatives may be offered.
Our practice
aims to see the patient as close to their appointment as
possible. Doctors try to avoid “running late”
since we value your time. Unfortunately, unexpected
emergencies may delay the doctors. If there is prolonged delay
we will attempt to inform you and we thank you for your
can help us run on time by: - Arriving to your appointment
on time - Book longer appointments for multiple or complex
problems or for multiple family members - Cancel your
appointment if it is no longer required preferably within
appointment time - Advising us if you require an
interpreter service at your appointment
Services If
you require an interpreter in your language at the time of
consultation please inform our reception staff when you make
the booking. This is provided FREE in most cases by
and Interpreting Services (TIS)
the Deaf
and Hearing Impaired
require the use of sign
call AUSLAN on 1800
246 945
FREE service. www.nabs.org.au
Due to risk of
misinterpretation we do not encourage the use of children,
relatives or friends as interpreters for sensitive and
complicated medical situations.
Cancellation If
you are unable to attend your appointment, we would appreciate
a courtesy phone call to cancel as early as possible. This may
help another patient who requires an appointment. For business
reasons, any patients who fail to attend appointments, without
reasonable notice of cancellation (at least 12hours) may incur
a non-medicare rebate able fee of $50.
We thank you for your kind consideration.
Scripts For
your safety, a consultation is usually required for issuing
repeat prescriptions to review effectiveness, side-effects and
drug interactions. If appropriate, a tele-health consult can
be organised and scripts given.
Referrals Appointment
with a specialist require a current (< 12 months) referral.
Due to legal requirements, referrals
cannot be backdated.
Specialists require all the relevant medical information. This
generally requires a consultant with the GP to complete the
& X-Ray Results The
only information given by phone regarding test results will be
a relayed comment from the requesting doctor. Reception staff
are not permitted to provide figures or interpretations of
results. For potentially serious medical problems doctors will
advise patients to make follow up appointments after
Xrays/blood tests as normal results may not excluded serious
illness and re-assessment may be required.
/ Reminder System Our
practice is committed to preventative care. We may issue you
with a reminder notice from time to time offering you
preventive health services appropriate for you eg
immunization, cervical screening test, diabetes. If
you do not wish to be part of this system please let us know
at reception.
& Torres Strait Islanders Our
practice welcomes all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people. Our doctors and staff are familiar with the Aboriginal
culture, history and health, and we aim to incorporate this
into our practice. Our doctors are happy to work with
Aboriginal Health Workers in the delivery of comprehensive
health care in Aboriginal contexts.
Improvement Activities Our
practice engages in quality improvement and incorporates
systems of continuous improvement. We regularly review our
services, systems and processes to find opportunities and make
the necessary changes to increase quality and safety for
Risk Management System Our
practice has a clinical risk management system to enhance the
quality and safety of our patient care.
Students Dr
Minh may have a medical student sitting in during one of your
visits. You will be notified before hand and you have the
right to refuse without prejudice.
Companies The
doctors at this practice do not receive any money, expensive
gifts or holiday trips from any drug companies.